Leather handbag from JAN SHOW 11 made in the highest quality by Czech family workshop. "When designing the JAN MINI BAG, I cut off the bottom of the classic oval handbag and squeezed it back into its body. I thus created a specifically curved shape of the bottom of the bag, which has become a signature for it," says Jan Černý about the bag's design.
-all new chevre leather, full lined, with a pocket inside made of cotton canvas and a JAN label
-embossed "J" logo
-hand stitched details
-includes two straps that when joined create a long shoulder strap, using only one strap creates a hand grip
-quality metal components
-the bag fastens with a strong magnet
-100% cowhide leather, colour black
-Dimensions 23 x 16 x 7 cm
-handbag is wrapped in a JAN cotton canvas dustbag